Friday, June 22, 2007

Information Corner (U*K universities)

*U*K universities are pushing for more Indian talent in their colleges and universities. But finding employment in their cities is harder than ever.So, is it impossible to find a job in the UK after graduation?
*Paul Michael and Yatin Madlani*,
visa officers at the British HighCommission in New Delhi, answered questions about UK universities and student visas during a July 12 expert chat.They discussed employment in the UK after graduation, the visa process andresources for prospective students.
For those of you who missed the chat, here's the transcript:

Aztec asked, What visa do I need to obtain if I am to study in Oxford
Paul Michael answers, You need a UK student visa.

MBA asked, What is the process for applying for visa?
Yatin Madlani answers, First, you need to have an unconditional offer tostudy for a course in the UK. Once you have this, you need to then preparedocumentation to show that you will be able to pay for your studies andliving costs. We have comprehensive information on our wedbsite
Preeti asked, What do i need to show immgration officials and how should ispeak to them?
Paul Michael answers, Preeti, thank you for your question. You should be ina position to show the Immigration Officer your letter of acceptance and beprepared to answer any questions he might have with regard to your intendedstudies in the UK.

KaranV asked, wat qualificatsion will an average uni require for Indianstudent? How expensive is it?
Yatin Madlani answers, The qualifications depend on the college oruniversity that you intend to study. They all have different educationalrequirements. The expense for studies will be advised to you by the collegeor university who will be able to provide the approximate costs for the areaand also provide the cost of courses. The websitewww.educationuk-in.orggives more details on this subject.
abu asked, if i m cant afford study in uk so is there any other way so i canapply for uk.
Paul Michael answers, You need to pay the requisite fee. You can visit ourweb site for scholarships
prayag asked, This is my main concern: How much does a UK education costcompared toa n Indian eeducation?
Paul Michael answers, Prayag, thank you for your question. The cost ofstudying in the UK varies according to the institution. The fees dependsupon the course and the institution you choose. The fees and cost of livingrange from 6000 pounds (almost Rs 5,00,000) to 20000 pounds (Rs16,500,000) per year.
Firdaus asked, Is it possible to work afer graduation? Or is there no hope?
Yatin Madlani answers, There are a few schemes that allow you to work in theUK on completion of your stduies, including the highly skilled migrantprogramme and also the International Graduate scheme. Details of theseschemes can be found on the website
Vivek asked, Give me rankings to UK MBA school.
Paul Michael answers, The institutions in UK are rated according to theTeaching Quality Information ( and the Research AssessmentExercise ( These will have information on departmentalratings and will help you to short-list institutions which are top rankedin business & management. ------------------------------Nikhil asked, After completeion of MBA programme, is it possible to stay onfor work experience?Paul Michael answers, Nikhil, thank you for your question. After doing theMBA you may be eligible to apply under the International Graduate Scheme toremain in the UK to gain one year of work experience. Further information isavailable at<> ------------------------------vai asked, Good afternoon sir. I have secured admission in the University ofSt Andrews. I would like to know if we have to send our original documentsby post( like IELTS scoecard and marks degree certificates) when applyingfor the visa. If we send the originals will we get them back? Also I wouldlike to know that if we want to stay back in Scotland under the fresh talentscheme then do we have to apply for it after we have completed the mastersprogram?Yatin Madlani answers, We do like to see original documents when anapplicants goes for a visa and they are always returned back once thedecision on the application is made. We need to see originals, as sometimeswe receive forged documentsand it is easier to identify original documents.You can only apply for the fresh talent scheme when you have completed yourstudies in Scotland. ------------------------------wile asked, Sir, what about living in rural India? How can I come to my visainterview? What to do?Paul Michael answers, Wile, thank you for your question. We have four postsin India. You would be expected to make your application at the post nearestto your residential address. It may be that we can decide your applicationon the basis of the papers you have submitted. But, in some instances aninterview may be required. If invited for an interview, you will be requiredto attend. ------------------------------gauva asked, could one of you please explain fresh talent scheme to me. it'svery confusing.Yatin Madlani answers, Fresh talent is a scheme specially designed for thosewho have completed a HND or above in Scotland. This can only be applied foron completion of the course. The scheme allows you to work inScotlandfor two years. Full details are avialable on our website <> ------------------------------qwerty asked, What is the minimum eligibility that colleges look for? and isthere any problem applying for a mba if one already has a mba degree?Paul Michael answers, There is no problem in applying for an MBA. Thequalifications required to enroll for an MBA programme are as follows: abachelor's degree, at least three years of work experience, a GMAT score andan IELTS/TOEFL score.There are minimum marks requirements for each university that the candidateis required to fulfil. There are some institutions that do not require workexperience. For more information, please check on<> ------------------------------scepia asked, Sir after terrorist attack at glascow aiprort, is it true thatUK will not hand out student visa any longer?Paul Michael answers, Scepia, thank you for your question. It is not thecase that the UK is no longer granting any student visas. ------------------------------vai asked, I would like to know how long the visa process would take? Alsowill the recent terrorist attacks affect our chances of getting a visa?Yatin Madlani answers, The visa process usually takes about three workingdays. However, some applicants do need to attend an interview if we areunable to make a decision based on the documents they submitted with theirapplication. We have a robust visa application process and there are nochanges to the way we deal with all visa applications. ------------------------------scepia asked, I've heard rumours that uk officials are rejecting appplicatnswho have good aplications in order. is this true?Paul Michael answers, Scepia, no, it is not correct. It is business asusual. ------------------------------shazia asked, I am also good at oracle.can I either get a job in auniversity as faculty and also pursue Phd.My MTech CGPA is 8.32Paul Michael answers, The duration of PhD at UK institutions isusually \three - four years. The entry qualifications required are aMaster's/M Phil with minimum marks requirement that can vary frominstitution to institution.You also have to prepare a research proposal ( two page summary of the topicyou wish to do a PhD on). You are required to get in touch with thesupervisor of the research department of the institutions that offer theresearch programme according to your educational qualifications and workexperience. For more information:<>
Partho asked, Hi Paul, What is the job prospect in UK specifically in ITfield after completing MSC in IT?
Paul Michael answers, Partho, thank you for your question. After completingM Sc in IT you can apply to remain in the UK under the InternationalGraduate Scheme. This scheme enables you to seek employment for one year.After completing this you may be eligible to switch into work permitemployment. More information is available at
msn asked, i am 32 year old . can get admisson in master courses in this age? can uk will give visa in this age?
Paul Michael answers, MSN, Thank you for your question. Age is no bar tofurther education. You should research your course and provide informationon your current circumstances, the qualifications you already hold and whatyou have been doing since your last period of study.
ankit asked, sir,im doing my graduation in from mumbai university butactually im doing it correspondetly so is im eligible for gud uk universityfor mba programme.
Paul Michael answers, MBA in UK is one of the most popular courses and hencequite competitive. The qualifications required are a good honours bachelor'sdegree, three - four years of relevant work experience, a GMAT score anda IELTS/TOEFL scores.If your degree is distance learning, it will be completely at the discretionof the university to accept your application; largely it will depend on yourpersonal statement, work experience and references (academic/professional).Please also let the institutions know about the activities or any employmentyou were involved with while you were stydying through correspondence.
sriram asked, sir,i have finished my B.TECH in information tech thisyear(2007)..i am planning to do my MBA in UK next year..i have a list of fewcolleges with me, they are london school of commerce,greenwich,university ofwales lampeter and university of new port(wales)..suggest me the best amongthese colleges that offer MBA for freshers and also the fees structure forthe same
Paul Michael answers, Sriram, thank you for your question. I am unable tosay which institution you should apply to. Please visit the relevantwebsites and make your choice based on the information given to you.
avve asked, my questions 1. is a uk education worth all the money and thetime?? 2. will i face racism in the UK? 3. are there jobs availabe inUKafter graduation?
Yatin Madlani answers, Many students who want to study in the UK find thatis is very useful. However, the decision to study abroad is a personal oneand you need to take into account factors such as cost, qualification andlength of study.The UK is a very diverse country and has people from all over the world whovisit the UK for a variety of reasons. There are over one million Indians inthe UK who play a very successful part in the UK society. We have a varietyof schemes to encourage graduates to find employment in the UK and pleasesee for further information..
Pritesh asked, i have completed my diploma in computer eng. now which coursei can join in uk?
Paul Michael answers, There are a range of courses available atUKinstitutions, especially related to your subject. Students can workpart-time, 20 hours per week, during term time and full-time duringvacations on a student visa.
Sable asked, What if I earn admission at top college and then u guys rejectmy visa? Am i stuck with having lost all my application time and money?
Paul Michael answers, Sable, thank you for your question. In the event thatyour visa application is refused, the fee is non-refundable. Given this,please seek as much advice from VFS and British Council as possible beforeyou make the application. -
Nandini asked, Why are student visa refused? Many friends of mine hasve thishappening to tehm.
Yatin Madlani answers, The majority of the time student applications arerefused is because they are badly prepared in terms of showing how they canfund the studies in the UK. There is a wealth of information avialble tohelp stduents make sure that they have the right documents. I advise allstudents who wish to study in the UK to carefully prepare their applicationsand ensure they follow the advice found on our website
sindbad asked, The British Accreditation Council accredits many privatecolleges in the United Kingdom are these institutions bonafide
Paul Michael answers, There are many private institutions that areaccreditated by the British Accreditation Council, which means that therehave been quality checks done on their departments. Also make sure that theinstitutions you apply to are listed under the Providers Registor ofDepartment of Education & Skills (
albert asked, i feel as if the Uk wants to indian students, but not to life.they only want us to study and do research and then go back. it's a viciouscircle.
Paul Michael answers, Albert, thank you for your question. The UK is keen toencourage students to study in the UK. After studying, there are schemesthat may permit you to reamin in the UK.
Vaps asked, Do PhD students face the same visa process as fresh undergrads?
Paul Michael answers, Yes, Phd students have to apply with the same studentvisa application!
simrans asked, What is the best way to present your funds during visainterview? In property? In stocks? In liquid cash?
Yatin Madlani answers, This a a very good question. Different people havedifferent circumstances and all applicants need to show how they will fundtheir studies. This may include liquid cash, stock and property. However,these types of funding need to be available for your studies and not simplysubmitted. We would also need to see evidence of the person who is fundingyour studies.

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